Claiming Awards
Scholarship award checks are issued twice a year – at the beginning of the fall semester (around September 1) and at the beginning of the spring semester (after January 1). A form accompanies each check.
Initial Award Check
Prior to attendance at the post-secondary institution, the recipient must submit proof of matriculation to RHSSF in order to receive their initial award check. Proof of matriculation can include an acceptance letter or email. Email a copy to or send to RHSSF at P.O. Box 8244 Radnor, PA 19087
All subsequent checks require the recipient to submit a form at the end of the fall semester and another form with GPA at the end of spring semester.
The FALL FORM (Confirmation of Status) is to be submitted after the end of the fall semester, prior to January 1. Upon receipt of this form, a check will be issued for the spring semester. No transcript is required with the fall form.
The SPRING FORM (Confirmation of Status) and official transcript (Grades) are to be submitted after the end of the school year but prior to August 20. Receipt of this information allows issuing a check prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
Recipient must sign both fall and spring form. Parent/guardian must also sign spring form.
Forms and transcripts can be sent by email or regular mail.
Any forms sent after initial deadline will result in delay of issuing check.

Please inform RHSSF of any changes in contact information (recipient and parent/guardian) including mailing address, email, and telephone.
Scholarships have to be used within six years of the initial award. Recipients must maintain a "C" average and attend an institution full-time. Recipients attending two-year institutions who go on to a four-year institution are eligible for a total of four years of awards (eight checks).
If special circumstances arise, please discuss them with Mr. Fedora. RHSSF tries to be as flexible and accommodating as possible within its guidelines.

Contact Information
Radnor High School Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 8244 Radnor, PA 19087