Our Mission

Our Mission

The purpose of the Radnor High School Scholarship Fund is to provide financial aid through need-based scholarships to graduates of Radnor High School for the furtherance of their post-high school education.

Since its founding in 1966, the Radnor High School Scholarship Fund has granted scholarships to deserving Radnor High School graduating seniors with demonstrated financial need.  Three key words sum up our accomplishments.


Our Radnor Community Scholarships honor the commitment of hundreds of people in our Radnor community who make donations through our annual Community Campaign and support our fundraising events. Named Scholarships are funded by community members in honor or in memory of individuals, families, revered educators, and school organizations.


In our 59-year history, the RHSSF has helped over 1,100 Radnor students meet the rising cost of a post-high school education. Each application is reviewed by an outside professional to determine financial need. Scholarships for the Class of 2024 averaged $2,000 to $2,500 a year for four years. Most of our recipients attend four-year colleges and universities while others pursue programs at junior colleges or technical schools. Students must maintain grade requirements to continue receiving their scholarships.


Through the years, the RHSSF has awarded over $4 million in funds. We are proud of our past recipients who have achieved success in their adult lives and have become contributing members of society.
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